Ensuring the Best Outcome from Cosmetic Tattooing


Congratulations! You have made the decision to have Cosmetic Tattooing. I am looking forward to seeing you. For the best results, this is a procedure requires you to be in good of health

By following these guidelines you will achieve the best outcome for Eye Brow, Eye Liner or Tattoo Removal.


Firstly you must feel well. No Colds or flu like symptoms.

You must be over 18, not pregnant or breast feeding.

There are some health conditions which will prohibit the cosmetic tattoo procedure. These include: heart conditions, high blood pressure, taking blood thinners, aspirin or similar medication.

Diabetes as your healing process may be compromised.

Communicable Diseases, Blood disorders, Muscular disease or disorders. Anxiety or neurological disorders such as epilepsy. Blood diseases such as Sickle Cell Anaemia, haemophilia or platelet disorders. Not experienced Shingles or Chicken Pox within the last 6 months.

Skin Allergies and/or conditions such as Eczema, Psoriasis and moderate to severe Dermatitis as your skin may react to the pigment or numbing creams. Skin Cancers or keloid, hypertrophic tissue in the area. You have not been treated with topical anti skin cancer creams such as Fluorouracil or similar in the past 3 months.

You are not prone to cold sores, especially relevant to Lip Blush.

You have not applied Retinoids, Tretinoin, AHA, Lactic Acid, Hydroquinone, Alpha Beta Hydroxy Acids/ Azelaic / Kojic / Salicylic acid; Had chemical peels, Botox or fillers to the area for at least 14 days.

You don’t take steroids such as cortisone, Accutane, Retin-A or Renova.

For Brow and Eye Liner Tattooing, you don’t have Glaucoma, eye infections or cataracts. All eyelash extenstions must be removed.

No facial surgery which is still healing or any swelling, soreness or any is present.

You are not allergic to topical anaesthetic such as Lidocaine, Tetracaine, Epinephrine or Phenylephrine.


  • Please stop taking COD LIVER OIL 7 days before your appointment.

  • Don’t take Ibuprofen 2 days prior and 3 days post your appointment.

  • No Chemical Peels or Skin Needling within 7 days prior to your appointment.

  • Please don’t have facial waxing in or threading to the area 1 week prior.

  • Keep out of the sun for a few days prior and post your appointment as your skin will be sensitive and prone to swelling or hyper pigmentation.

  • Be hydrated. Avoid alcohol for 48 hours and caffeine and any stimulants like vaping or caffeine for at least 24 hours prior.

  • Please avoid any exercise which causes sweating for 12 hours before and 3 days post your appointment.

  • Come mid mensural cycle, if possible.

  • COVID vaccine 10 days before.

  • Please remove your contact lenses and bring your glasses for EYE LINER TATTOO

  • Please do not wear lash extensions if you are booked for EYE LINER or LASH LINE TATTOO.

  • Please don’t have your eyebrows tinted within a week before your appointment

I will be using numbing cream through out. You will be given the information on what and how to obtain it when you make your appointment. The TGA regulations instructs that I cannot supply it.

When you request an appointment, you will receive a text with additional information.

You will be shown how to care for the treated area and given appropriate After Care Balm. You will be responsible for adhering to the advice given.